Johnson Bowie

Johnson Bowie

Senior Pastor

Appears in 95 Episodes

How Can I Know I’m Saved

Matthew 7:21-23 NIV“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

Beware of False Prophets

Matthew 7:15-20 NIV“Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them....

What’s Heaven Like?

God made it clear that He created us for heaven, not hell. Through the gift of salvation, we get to wait with hopeful expectation for our true home—heaven. But what ca...

Is Hell Real?

Culture would have us believe that wide is the road that leads to heaven—that there are many paths to God—and narrow is the road that leads to hell. But as difficult a...

Judging Christians

When it comes to judging, it’s in our nature… It’s easy to point out the flaws in others while overlooking the areas we need to address, but when we do, we give the ki...

Do Not Worry

Jesus left us with a command: “…do not worry about your life.” The reality is that we’ve all gotten caught in the quicksand of “what-ifs” and doubt when it comes to fi...

Good Eyes

Matthew 6:19-21 ESVDo not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasur...

The Good Life

We all have a picture of what “the good life” looks like to us, an idea of the end goal we want to achieve. And even though each of us has many aspirations, we all hav...

Your Kingdom Come

All of us were born with a sinful, selfish nature. Apart from God, we are concerned and consumed by our personal plans and desires. There is a gap between what He want...

Our Father

Prayer is a gift that God gives to His children. We are invited to meet with the One who pours out His love, goodness, mercy, and much more. In His presence, we are bl...

Praying in Secret

Prayer is a beautiful invitation from God for us to enter into conversation with Him. Many things can turn our attention and our hearts away from connecting with Him. ...

Giving in Secret

We live in a world that’s consumed with pride. When it comes to giving, people often give with a goal of being seen and impressing others. But God has enabled us to li...

A Letter to My Sisters

The curse that came after Adam and Eve’s encounter with the serpent in the Garden of Eden is still active in the world around us. We have an enemy who knows that if wo...

Why God Says No

We’re living in a confused and confusing world when it comes to sex. The good news? God hasn’t left us alone to figure it all out on our own. And the reality is that H...

Sermon on the Mount: The Law

Jesus came to do what no one else could do—fulfill the law and set us free from sin and death. Because of His finished perfect work, we are now empowered to live life ...

Blessed Are the Pure in Heart

One of the most beautiful promises that God has given us is that we will see Him when we are pure in heart. While that is an amazing promise, it can also feel intimida...

Power That Serves

We live in a world that glorifies using power to our own advantage. It sends the message that we have achieved success when we can use our position to be served. But t...

Help Is on the Way

In Matthew 5:4, Jesus says these words: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” While grief can feel heavy and all consuming, He has promised us com...

Poor in Spirit

When Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount, He began by sharing eight ways that we are blessed. The world paints a picture of a way of life that seems right to them, ...

The God Dream

Jesus has extended a beautiful invitation for us to live out our true mission: to go into all the world and make disciples. God longs to fill the earth with His glory ...

CHECK Yourself

We were created to reflect Jesus’ true nature! At Victory, our desire as a church body is to individually and corporately become more like Him. We want the world aroun...

The Vision of Victory

We’re on a mission—the Great Commission! Jesus has called us to make disciples wherever we go, and we have the honor and privilege of being chosen to carry out the bea...

A House of Prayer

Prayer is a beautiful invitation Into God’s presence! As followers of Jesus, and as a church family, it is the foundation of everything we do. We regularly pray to sta...

Anchored to Rebuilding

Sometimes the opinions and beliefs of the world around us—culture, religion, and even our own experiences—may feel like truth. But when they don’t align with scripture...

Anchored to Truth

A ship makes it through a storm by dropping anchor, which makes it immovable in the wind and waves. In the same way, there are places where we can drop anchor when the...

Anchored to Jesus

In life, storms are going to come. God knew that we would need a hope to hold onto when they do. Jesus is that hope, the one sent to keep us from being carried away by...

Sowing for the Next Season

Our God is a God of new seasons. There will be times when we find ourselves at the end of a season—but it’s not the end of the story! While times may change, His purpo...

Priscilla & Aquila

Jesus lived a mission-centered life and left a lasting impact in all of His relationships. He wants us to follow His lead, especially when it comes to our families. Fa...

Launching Into Your Calling

You exist to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. That’s called purpose! Your calling is how you uniquely use your gifts, passions and story in different seasons of life...

What’s My Calling

We all have the same purpose: glorify God and enjoy Him forever. To walk that out, each of us has been given a uniquely specific blend of gifts, talents and abilities ...

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