Norcross Campus
Latest Episodes
A Life Well Lived
For every one of us, a time will come when we breathe our last breath. And if you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior, then you know what is to come: Heaven. B...
All Things New
What comes to mind when we think about GOD is the most important thing about us.”– A.W. Tozer
What Happens at the End of the World?
Revelation 20:1-6 NIVAnd I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain. He seized the dragon, that ancien...
Jesus is Coming Soon
When Jesus was born, it was a fulfillment of the prophecy that a Savior, the King, would come to earth. He went to the cross and died for the sins of the world, and He...
The Power of a Thank You
As believers, in the end, we win. But for all who face times of trials and persecution, the pain can blur the vision of our victory in Christ. Tune in as we look to th...