All Episodes

Displaying 151 - 180 of 185 in total

A Loved One Restored

Fighting For Your Family

Are you praying for someone you love to receive Jesus as Savior? Many of us have felt burdened by the desire for friends and family to know Jesus as Lord. ...

Culture Shock

We live in a society that tells us our God doesn’t belong in politics, schools, entertainment, and more. This anti-God philosophy is nothing new. From the very beginni...


From the beginning of time, human beings have had to deal with conflict. There is no one on earth who hasn’t experienced it. None of us are exempt. Conflict isn’t ...

Running with the Horses

We are daughters and sons of God, the creator of heaven and earth. He is the King of kings and Lord of lords, and as His children, He is always ...

Your Prayers Are Precious to God

Dear Church: Your Prayers Are Precious to GodPastor James MeeksJuly 11, 2021 Revelation 8:3 KJV And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; ...

Social Justice vs. Biblical Justice

In the Bible, Jesus emphasizes that the number one way people will fall away from the faith is through deception. It can come in many packages, which is why it’s ...

A Life Well Lived

What My Father Taught Me

The results of fatherlessness are all around us: godlessness, rebellion, identity issues… For thousands of years, people have said that fathers aren’t necessary, but t...

A Fence of Space

Our God is holy, special and unlike anyone or anything else we’ll ever encounter. In His love, He has called us to live life according to His standards rather than ...

A Fence of Holiness

A Fence of Rest

Thank God for fences! We put them around things that are valuable, like our homes, a children’s playground, art… Even God set up fences to guard what was most importan...

I Am Secure

We are in a war. Our identity is fully secure in Christ, but we’re in an ongoing battle for our hearts. We have an enemy who’s constantly seeking to get ...

I Am Free

Just in case no one’s told you lately: You are enough. At some point or another, we’ve all felt like we don’t measure up, like we need to do more ...

I Am Wanted and Loved

Who, or what, defines you? Many of us have allowed things like possessions, accomplishments, family, and sex to determine our value. But we were created to live from a...

I am a Child of God

We live in a world that tells us we have to prove our worth, but if God’s greatness is going to be emancipated in us, we have to take hold ...

I Am Restored

I Am Human

Easter 2021

Jesus died a brutal death on a cross, sacrificing His life once and for all so that we could have a relationship with God. We know the story doesn’t end ...

Hearing God Together

We have a God who loves to speak to His people both individually and corporately. He delights in gathering His people together to hear, discuss and live out His Word ...

God, Is That You?

To walk in the greatness that God wants to free within us, we have to hear His voice and know that He is speaking! How does He speak? Through His ...

Hearing God Through Prayer

We have a God who loves to speak to us, and we were made to hear Him. Communication with God is key, because much of what He says effects what ...

You Can Hear God Speak

Forgiving Yourself

While on the journey to emancipating God’s greatness, letting go of unforgiveness is an essential part of the process. Many of us have not forgiven ourselves for our p...

Forgiving God

We have a God who wants to set us free so we can live the life Jesus purchased for us to the fullest! We also have an enemy who sets ...

Forgiving Others

Value People

We’re living in a time when many of us have been elevating ourselves and our points-of-view rather than valuing others. As followers of Jesus, we are to meant to be ...

A Community of Greatness

The journey of emancipating greatness was never meant to be a solo one. We were created for community! We need one another now more than ever, and living in isolation ...

Preparing for Greatness

God is leading us forward into the emancipation of the greatness He’s placed inside of each and every one us. It has always been His plan to rule the earth ...

Redefining Greatness

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