All Episodes

Displaying 121 - 150 of 185 in total

Who Is My Neighbor?

Ways We Drift from the Gospel

Our Response to the Gospel

Breadth and Beauty of the Gospel

Depth and Deliverance of the Gospel

Operating in the Supernatural

Growing in the Spirit

What does God mean when He says that He wants us to bear fruit in our lives? The fruit of the Spirit is the evidence of His presence within us. When we yield to the le...

Baptism in the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is God WITH us and IN us. Even more than that, the Father wants to empower us by His Spirit to do the same works that Jesus did in the earth! But how? ...

Who is the Holy Spirit?

On the night before He went to the cross, Jesus gathered the disciples to share that He was going to prepare a place for them. In their worry and sadness ...

One Step

As followers of Jesus, every single one of us is called to ministry. God’s mission for our lives is that we would be disciples who make disciples. When we live ...

Finish the Work

God is in the Waiting

The Good Son

God loves us so much that He sent His son to restore our relationship with Him. We are all lost children who needed our older brother to reconcile us back ...

The Faithful Father

Did you know God created you just so He could love you? You are fully accepted as you are! He is for you and is faithful to welcome you into ...

A Lost Brother

In His love, God calls us His children! We don’t have to try to earn His acceptance. The truth is, we never could even if we tried. You are a child of ...

A Prodigal Son

One of the many beautiful attributes of God is His ability to love unconditionally. There is no guilt-trip, no condemnation, no prerequisite to be accepted. And if you...

Walking in Freedom

Jesus came not only to set us free but to help us actually walk in freedom! But stepping into the next level of life with God requires loosening your grip ...

A Mind Made New

The enemy’s oldest trick is to get us to believe lies about who God is, who we are, and more. But God has given us spiritual weapons to tear down ...

Confronting Compromise

Do You Want to Be Healed?

God has promised every one of us a full life. He invites us to walk in healing and wholeness so we can live in the abundance He always intended. But ...

At the Well Again

Extravagant Offerings

When God gives, He gives extravagantly. After all, He loved us so much that gave His only son to save us! He doesn’t withhold anything good from us, and He desires ...

Strategic Stewardship

Winston Churchill once said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” God owns everything and, in His kindness, entrusts us ...

Why I Tithe

We have a generous God! In giving us His son, Jesus, He gave us His BEST. When we come face-to-face with the selfless love of God and embrace it, we ...

Mastering the Power of Money

Did you know that there are two economies? There is God’s and then there is the world’s. The majority of people, including followers of Christ, have been so conditione...

The Generous God

There’s something about love that produces generosity. Think about it this way: God so loved the world that He GAVE… When we give, we are called to do so out ...

Having a Purpose Driven Family

God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have DOMINION …” God established the purpose of family at the start of creation, which can...

Honor and Cherish

Marriage is a blessing, but it can be challenging. Because he hates family, the devil will do anything he can to try to sabotage the beautiful relationship God created...

Spiritual Family

Here’s the truth: We have to get our families in order. Why? Because the first ministry God has called us to starts at home. Every family has a story. Not ...

Parenting on Purpose

We come from all different types of parenting situations—married, single moms or dads, blended families, and more. Whatever your family dynamic, we can look to the Wor...

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